Matlab Program for plotting the q-numerical range

The program consists of 3 .m files:

function z = qrange(q,a,b,c)
% Function qrange(q,a,b,c)
% This is a Matlab program developed by Chi-Kwong Li to plot the ellipses 
% and cirle that form the boundary  of the q-numerical range of a 3 x 3 
% diagonal matrix  % diag(a,b,c) when 0 < q < 1,  based on the result in 
% [H. Nakazato, The boundary of therange of a contrained sesquilinear form, 
% LAMA 40 (1996), 37-43.]
% Please feel free to use or modify it for your research or study.
% It would be nice if you would aknowledge the origin of the program
% if you use it.
% If a, b, c are not collinear, the following will be plotted:
%   (i) three ellipses and the triangle whose vertices are their foci,
%  (ii) the smallest circle containing the classical numerical range
%       of diag(a,b,c) with its center translated to contain the 3 ellipses.
% The covex boundary of the q-numerical range will come from the ellipses
% and the circle. (See the paper of Nakazato for details.)
% To run this program, one also needs the programs: 
% ellipse.m and circle.m developed by Chi-Kwong Li
if abs(a-b) + abs(b-c) == 0
   z = 'You have a scalar matrix, whose q-numerical range is a singleton!';
% We identify the case when we have a scalar matrix above.
% In the next few cases, we have to generate circles and ellipses.
% Here n is the number of grid points when we plot the ellipses and circles.
   n = 50;
   A = [real(a) imag(a) 1/2 ; real(b) imag(b) 1/2; real(c) imag(c) 1/2];
   if det(A) == 0
% Here we treat the case when a,b,c are collinear.
        [X1, Y1] = ellipse(q*a, q*b, q, n);
        [X2, Y2] = ellipse(q*b, q*c, q, n);
% Finally, we treat the case when a,b,c are in general positions.
% The next few commands compute the center cw and the radius r of the 
% smallest circle that contiains a,b,c, and shift the center to qw.
         w = (inv(A)*[(abs(a))^2 (abs(b))^2 (abs(c))^2]')/2;
         r = sqrt(w(3) + w(1)^2 + w(2)^2);
         s = q*r;
         cw = w(1)+i*w(2);
         X0 = q*w(1);
         Y0 = q*w(2);
         qw = X0+i*Y0;
         [X1, Y1] = circle(qw, r, n);
         [X2, Y2] = circle(qw, s, n);
% Here we determine the 3 ellipses needed to plot the boundary.
         a1 = q*a;
         b1 = q*b;
         c1 = q*c;
         [X3, Y3] = ellipse(a1,b1,q,n);
         [X4, Y4] = ellipse(c1,b1,q,n);
         [X5, Y5] = ellipse(a1,c1,q,n);
% Now determine W(A) and qW(A) shifted to the new center.
         Z6 = [a b c a] + (q-1)*cw*ones(1,4);
         X6 = real(Z6);
         Y6 = imag(Z6);
         Z7 = [a1 b1 c1 a1];
         X7 = real(Z7);
         Y7 = imag(Z7);
% We choose to display big circle and its center, the 3 ellipses and the
% triangle whose vertice are their foci.
% One can choose to plot any of the figures determined above. For example:
%        plot(X0,Y0,'x',X1,Y1,X2,Y2,X3,Y3,'g',X4,Y4,'g',X5,Y5,'g',X6,Y6,X7,Y7);
%        pause
%        plot(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,X3,Y3,X4,Y4,X5,Y5,X6,Y6);
         title('The q-numerical range of A.');
         xlabel('real axis');
         ylabel('imaginary axis');


function [X, Y] = ellipse(u,v,e,n)
% Function ellipse(u,v,e,n)
% This is a Matlab program developed by Chi-Kwong Li 
% to plot an ellipse on the complex point with the complex numbers 
% u and v as foci, and eccentricity 0 < e < 1, and 2n grid points.
z = (u-v)/2;
if z == 0
      X = real(u);
      Y = imag(u);
  c = abs(z);
  r = angle(z);
  a = c/e;
  b = sqrt(a^2 - c^2);
  z1 = (u+v)/2;
  p = real(z1);
  q = imag(z1);

  for k = 1:n
   t = k*pi/n;
   X(k) = a*cos(r)*cos(t)-b*sin(r)*sin(t) + p;
   Y(k) = a*cos(t)*sin(r)+b*sin(t)*cos(r) + q;
   X(n+k) = -a*cos(r)*cos(t)+b*sin(r)*sin(t) + p;
   Y(n+k) = -a*cos(t)*sin(r)-b*sin(t)*cos(r) + q;
   X(2*n+1) = X(1);
   Y(2*n+1) = Y(1);
%   plot(X,Y); 

function [X, Y] = circle(w,r,n)
% Function circle(w,r,n)
% This is a Matlab porgram developed by Chi-Kwong Li
% to plot a circle on the complex point with center w and radius r
% and 2n grid points.

 w1 = real(w);
 w2 = imag(w);
        for k = 1:n
           t = k*pi/n;
           X(k) = w1 + r*cos(t);
           Y(k) = w2 + r*sin(t);
           X(n+k) = w1 - r*cos(t);
           Y(n+k) = w2 - r*sin(t);
           X(2*n+1) = X(1);
           Y(2*n+1) = Y(1);
% plot(X,Y);
