Spring 2013 Math 150 Mathematics in Daily Life


Meeting Time and Place

Course Description

This course aims to help students develop the mathematical literacy to see the connections and applications of mathematics to daily life activities. The course consists of two components:

Format and structure

Instructor and students will take turn to present and discuss material related to the theme of the course.


February. March.

May 3. students should have submitted their papers based on their second presentations.

Objectives of the course/expected learning outcome

As participants, students will learn:

As presenters, students will learn how to:

Some useful references

Course work and assessment

P1    Summary of presentations, and evaluation scores                              130 points
             (5 points each, done on paper, due: at the end of each class)                 

P3    Homework, and additional comments to presenters                              130 points.
             (5 points each, due: before following lecture)  
            [presenters will prepare model answers] 

P3    Presentation 1 from the COMAP book 
               evaluations by peers and the instructor                             100 points.
               report and self evaluation                                          100 points.
                (paper and soft copy, due: one week after presentation).

P4   Presentation 2 on self selected topic 
               evaluations by peers and the instructor                             100 points.
               paper on the presentation                                           140 points.
                (paper and soft copy, due: May 3, 2013).


Letter Grades

     Grades (for homework, quizzes, exams, final grade, etc.):
    %: 0 - 60 - 65 - 70 - 75 - 80 - 83 - 87 - 90 - 93 - 100
          F    D    C-   C    C+   B-   B    B+   A-    A


Summary and evaluation from

Presentation schedule, files, and homework list.